LeetCode11. Container With Most Water(对撞指针)
- Medium
- Accepted:305,268
- Submissions:728,193
Given n non-negative integers a1, a2, ..., an , where each represents a point at coordinate (i, ai). n vertical lines are drawn such that the two endpoints of line i is at (i, ai) and (i, 0). Find two lines, which together with x-axis forms a container, such that the container contains the most water.
Note: You may not slant the container and n is at least 2.
The above vertical lines are represented by array [1,8,6,2,5,4,8,3,7]. In this case, the max area of water (blue section) the container can contain is 49.
Input: [1,8,6,2,5,4,8,3,7]
Output: 49
给定一个包含n个非负整数的数组,每个数构成一个点(i, a[i])
,点(i, a[i])
和点(i, 0)
- 暴力解法就两层循环,时间复杂度$O(n^2)$
- 使用对撞指针l和r,初始时l指向头,r指向尾,答案肯定是
ans = max(ans, (min(height[l], height[r]) * (r - l)));
但问题是如何更新l和r呢? - 首先我们确定下,容器的“面积”取决于两条线段中更短的那条以及线段之间的距离。
- 然后对于两条线段,如果
height[l] < height[r]
,而r不变;同理当height[l] < height[r]
,而l不变,等于时均适用。 - 这样只需一次遍历就可以找到答案,时间复杂度为$O(n)$。
- 一个更为直观的解释可以参考LeetCode上kongweihan发的一个讨论,应该比较容易看懂,文末附上。
- 举个例子,对于
1 8 6 2 5 4 8 3 7
,a[l]=1 < a[r]=7
,此时1只能与最右边的7产生最大值,所以对于1而言,右边除了7的其他值都是没用的;更新a[l]=8 > a[r]=7
- Runtime: 12 ms, faster than 98.51% of C++ online submissions for Container With Most Water.
- Memory Usage: 1.3 MB, less than 52.48% of C++ online submissions for Container With Most Water.
class Solution {
int maxArea(vector<int>& height) {
int l = 0, r = height.size() - 1;
int ans = 0;
while (l < r)
ans = max(ans, (min(height[l], height[r]) * (r - l)));
if (height[l] < height[r])
return ans;
The end.
2019年2月4日 星期一
The O(n) solution with proof by contradiction doesn't look intuitive enough to me. Before moving on, read any example of the algorithm first if you don't know it yet.
Here's another way to see what happens in a matrix representation:
Draw a matrix where the row is the first line, and the column is the second line. For example, say n=6
In the figures below, x
means we don't need to compute the volume for that case: (1) On the diagonal, the two lines are overlapped; (2) The lower left triangle area of the matrix is symmetric to the upper right area.
We start by computing the volume at (1,6)
, denoted by o
. Now if the left line is shorter than the right line, then all the elements left to (1,6)
on the first row have smaller volume, so we don't need to compute those cases (crossed by ---
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 x ------- o
2 x x
3 x x x
4 x x x x
5 x x x x x
6 x x x x x x
Next we move the left line and compute (2,6)
. Now if the right line is shorter, all cases below (2,6)
are eliminated.
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 x ------- o
2 x x o
3 x x x |
4 x x x x |
5 x x x x x |
6 x x x x x x
And no matter how this o
path goes, we end up only need to find the max value on this path, which contains n-1
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 x ------- o
2 x x - o o o
3 x x x o | |
4 x x x x | |
5 x x x x x |
6 x x x x x x
Hope this helps. I feel more comfortable seeing things this way.